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Il suo approccio si basa in primis sull'esperienza diretta, quindi sull'analisi dei dati concreti. Su, la sua missione è rendere il mondo del gaming online più accessibile e comprensibile per tutti. Il proliferare dei siti di gioco ha aumentato anche la competizione tra i vari casinò online, dunque è possibile trovare sempre più offerte concorrenziali relative ai bonus benvenuto. Il Bonus di Benvenuto di Sisal, valido per i nuovi clienti offre 5.000€ immediati senza deposito per il gioco Salva il Bottino, che fornisce vincite utilizzabili sulle scommesse sportive.

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Vi spiegheremo inoltre come valutarli e analizzaremo le varie tipologie di offerta, dai bonus di benvenuto dei casinò alle offerte senza deposito, passando per i giri gratis. In gergo, con questo termine ci si riferisce ad un qualsiasi casino online che offre ai nuovi utenti un bonus benvenuto senza deposito. Questo può essere rappresentato da alcuni free spins o da una somma in denaro, erogati generalmente gratis dopo la registrazione e la convalida del conto. Il bonus cashback rappresenta un'interessante promozione legata all'attività di gioco che hai sviluppato sul tuo casinò online preferito. In sintesi, si tratta di una forma di rimborso bonus che ti consente di recuperare una percentuale prestabilita sulla somma di denaro persa in una particolare categoria di giochi o sull'importo totale scommesso. Questa promozione è solitamente offerta dalle piattaforme in periodi specifici e raramente costituisce un'offerta a lungo termine.

Si è già parlato in questa pagina dedicata ai casinò live in Italia di operatori “high stakes”, ovvero quelli che accettano giocate di grandi somme di denaro, soprattutto nel poker live e ai tavoli VIP. Agli utenti che amano i brividi forti consiglio di affidarsi a siti casinò in tempo reale il più sicuri possibile. Inutile dire che il sistema SSL per tutelare la privacy dei trasferimenti di denaro deve essere il migliore possibile. Essi consentono ai clienti di cimentarsi ai giochi da casinò con la possibilità di poter vincere denaro reale. Se i migliori siti casinò live vogliono conquistare sempre più utenti, devono offrire giochi messi a punto dai migliori provider e sviluppatori, come Playtech o Evolution Gaming.

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L'opportunità di ottenere premi anche con budget limitati è un aspetto che distingue i migliori bonus, rendendoli particolarmente attraenti per coloro che vogliono testare le acque del casinò senza rinunciare all'emozione delle vincite. Le promozioni mobile sono pensate proprio per offrire premi, freespin e bonus ai clienti che si connettono esclusivamente tramite le applicazioni o con i dispositivi mobili. Questo tipo di bonus sono più frequenti nei concessionari che hanno sviluppato la loro personale App e che, tramite la promozione, vogliono sponsorizzarla. I bonus dedicati al casino live sono molto frequenti poiché la modalità di gioco dal vivo è una tipologia di fruizione molto in voga tra gli appassionati del casinò vecchio stile che vogliono però un tocco di modernità. Il casino live ripropone la maggior parte dei giochi classici e le novità più recenti in quello che potremmo definire un ibrido tra l’analogico e il digitale.

Siti Di Casinò Consigliati

Alcuni casinò online prevedono l’erogazione del bonus di benvenuto non solo per il primo deposito, ma anche per il secondo, il terzo ed in rari casi addirittura il quarto. In nessun caso devono essere interpretati come mezzi per arricchirsi o guadagnare soldi facili. Sebbene i casinò online con bonus accettino una vasta gamma di metodi di pagamento, in alcuni casi è necessario utilizzare alcuni sistemi in particolare.


Ricordo inoltre che al bonus è anche possibile rinunciare ed è possibile puntare da subito il proprio budget ed eventualmente ritirare la somma vinta senza doversi preoccupare di attenersi alle condizioni poste dal sito casinò live in questione. I giochi da casinò live online attraggono spesso i giocatori cosiddetti “high roller”, vale a dire coloro che amano puntare grandi cifre, senza doversi alzare dal proprio divano di casa. Non c’è di che stupirsi quindi se i limiti di giocata sono per loro un fattore primario nella scelta dell’operatore live a cui affidare il proprio denaro. Le offerte proposte delle nostre major del gambling sono sempre molto variegate e talvolta i migliori bonus vengono applicati non solo ai giochi convenzionali, come nei casinò blackjack online, ma estesi anche agli emozionanti giochi dal vivo. I loghi degli enti e agenzie menzionati, si trovano di norma in fondo al sito internet dei casinò online italiani.

Puoi trovare i migliori bonus casino consultando guide affidabili, recensioni di esperti, e confrontando le offerte dei casinò online con licenza ADM. Sempre più casinò dedicano bonus speciali alla sezione del casinò live, rispondendo alla crescente preferenza dei giocatori per l'esperienza di gioco diretta da casa, con un croupier reale che gestisce le operazioni da una struttura terrestre. Oltre ai classici giochi di roulette, blackjack e baccarat, anche i più moderni game show live hanno guadagnato notevole popolarità negli ultimi anni. Bonus live casino sono quindi un must per ogni concessionario online che vuole offrire il meglio senza tralasciare nessuno.

A quest’ultimi invece potrebbe interessare un buon bonus per casinò live da poter utilizzare a proprio vantaggio. Non posso scordarmi di menzionare poi la qualità della versione mobile e quella dello streaming. Solo i migliori, però, riescono a trovare la quadratura perfetta tra la ricchezza del palinsesto live e le offerte promozionali, nonché una serie di extra capaci di rendere unica l’esperienza di gioco. Ho valutato la proposta di tutti gli operatori basandomi sui criteri di valutazione più importanti, oltre che su una ormai lunga esperienza sul campo. Valuta l'importo del bonus, i requisiti di scommessa, la validità sui diversi giochi e la facilità di ottenimento del bonus.

The peso was selling at just under 19.45 to the dollar at the close of trading on Monday


The Mexican peso appreciated for a fifth consecutive day on Monday to close at its strongest level against the U.S. dollar since 2020.

Buoyed by the expectation that the Bank of México (Banxico) will raise its benchmark interest rate by an additional 75 basis points on Thursday, the peso was selling at just under 19.45 to the dollar at the close of trading on Monday.

Banxico data shows that the exchange rate was the strongest end-of-day position for the Mexican currency since March 2020, when the cost of a greenback dipped below 19.4 pesos.

The peso appreciated 0.36% on Monday, increasing its gains over the past five trading days to 1.82%. It had weakened slightly to about 19.5 to the dollar at 9 a.m. Central Time on Tuesday.

Gabriela Siller, director of economic analysis at Banco Base, said that the current strength of the peso is related to the expectation that the Bank of México will once again follow the lead of the U.S. Federal Reserve and raise its key rate by 0.75%.

Banxico holds its monetary policy meetings the week after the Fed makes its rates announcements, and appears likely to match the U.S. central bank’s 0.75% hikes for a fourth consecutive time this Thursday as inflation – 8.5% in the first half of October – remains well above its target rate. The official interest rate in Mexico would thus reach 10%, more than double the 3.75-4% range in the U.S.

Siller said that another factor contributing to the peso’s strength is that significant amounts of money are flowing into Mexico in the form of payments for Mexican exports, remittances and foreign direct investment.

In addition, “the dollar has weakened a little” because the Fed is nearing the end of its tightening cycle, she said.

“Few interest rate increases remain, and even though there continues to be a restrictive monetary policy [in the U.S. for now], the light at the end of the tunnel is now visible,” Siller said.

The analyst said that the peso could strengthen further if Banxico lifts rates by more than the predicted 0.75% this Thursday, or if it indicates in its monetary policy statement that it will continue along an aggressive tightening path. Such a scenario could see the peso strengthen to 19.2 to the dollar, Siller said.

Looking further into the future, the deputy director of economic analysis at the brokerage house Vector said that the Fed is likely to start cutting rates before Banxico, and such a situation would benefit the peso.

“It’s becoming increasingly clear to the market that when we reach the interest rate peak in Mexico and the United States, it’s very probable that the United States will think about lowering … [rates] before Mexico. … That issue … helps the exchange rate [here],” Luis Adrián Muñiz said.

Muñiz, Siller and Monex analyst Janneth Quiroz – all of whom were cited in an El Economista newspaper report – agreed that the peso could also benefit from an additional decrease in the inflation rate in the United States. If data to be published this Thursday shows that the annual rate in the U.S has declined for a fourth consecutive month, the dollar will weaken, giving the peso more scope to appreciate, they said.

The British bank Barclays offered a rosy forecast for the peso late last month, saying that it could appreciate to 19 to the U.S. dollar by the end of next year. In contrast, Moody’s Analytics said earlier in October that the peso could depreciate 20% against the U.S. dollar in the coming months due to tightening monetary policy in the United States.

The peso has been one of the best performing currencies in 2022, gaining over 5% against the dollar at a time when many other currencies have lost ground against the greenback, which is seen as a safe-haven currency in times of economic uncertainty.



Pillar of American manufacturing and consumerism looking wobbly

The trans-Pacific trade lane connecting the world’s most important countries is a pillar of the global economy. But now it’s becoming an epicenter of supply chain, financial and geopolitical risk.

During the pandemic, ocean container spot rates rocketed upward from approximately $1,000 per 40-foot container to nearly $20,000 last fall before plunging again to $2,720 last week.

Meanwhile, U.S. officials staged visits to Taiwan and took action to further separate the Chinese and American semiconductor sectors. This potent combination of economic, political and military issues will make trans-Pacific business complicated for years to come.

China’s zero-COVID policies and recent tensions over Taiwan have accelerated this confrontation, which could lead to further decoupling between the U.S. and China. But the fundamental issues will likely persist beyond present crises.

The American media coverage of President Xi Jinping’s address to the 20th Communist Party Congress in Beijing last week took note of Xi’s pessimistic tone, warning party members to prepare China for confrontation and crisis. Politico’s Phelim Kine called Xi’s view of U.S.-China relations “increasingly bleak.” Bret Stephens played into the rivalry, writing a cynical op-ed in The New York Times sarcastically thanking Xi for running his country so poorly as to make the United States seem good by contrast.

Counter-signaling Xi’s message of a Chinese “national rejuvenation,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was at the same time giving speeches at Stanford University in a tour carefully packaged around a national-strength-through-technology theme. Blinken visited the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory then spoke at a Hoover Institute event with former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, who is now the Hoover Institute director. Most strikingly, Blinken said China was “determined to pursue reunification [with Taiwan] on a much faster timeline” — a statement that made headlines.

Blinken’s visit to Stanford seems to be part of a general effort from the Biden administration to nationalize technology policy and shape the technology industry into an asset that could be useful in a China conflict. Blinken announced his creation of the State Department’s Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy in April. In August, President Biden signed the CHIPS and Science Act, which will spend $280 billion on U.S. semiconductor infrastructure.

China’s zero-COVID policy fighting losing battle

But before we give too much thought to strategic industrial policy, we should recognize the most immediate impact to supply chains and the trans-Pacific trade that the Chinese president’s third term will have: the continuation of Xi’s signature zero-COVID policy for the foreseeable future.

China’s draconian surveillance and control regime of tests, quarantines and lockdowns — enabled by a collaboration between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and China technology companies — seemed to work well enough for a year. Xi’s policy held down infection rates and kept the economy pointed up and to the right.

But when the Omicron variant’s greater infectiousness overwhelmed mask and vaccine protections, China kept forcefully applying lockdowns, massively disrupting both its own economy and trans-Pacific trade in general.

Although the Chinese state adapted its tactics on a case-by-case basis — the 2022 lockdown of Shanghai, for instance, kept critical infrastructure like the container terminals operating in ways that the 2021 lockdown of Yantian did not, for example — the governance mechanism was the same. Centralized algorithms looked for signals in endless oceans of public health, location and social media data. As a result, recommended policy actions were increasingly ineffectual and mismatched to realities on the ground.

Tokyo-based freelance writer Dylan Levi King explored the deep roots of this data-driven, centralized electronic command and control system in a recent article for Palladium Magazine called “The Genealogy of Chinese Cybernetics.” King reconstructs the career of Qian Xuesan, author of “Engineering Cybernetics” (1954), from Pasadena, California, to Beijing and his role in building the computer systems and algorithmic models that justified China’s “Great Leap Forward” and the one-child policy.

As King wrote, the implementation of these policies fell far short of the dream of optimized, electronic, frictionless command and control: “Political attempts at cybernetic planning — both in China and elsewhere — have never overcome the problem of limited sensors and weak effectors.” Though he doesn’t refer specifically to the pandemic, the unintended consequences of a zero-COVID policy, including food shortages, real estate insolvency and bank runs seem to validate it as a further example of this governance style’s inadequacy.

The consensus of the international financial community, as Bloomberg’s John Authers wrote, is that China’s zero-COVID policy under Omicron has been a disaster casting a pall over the global economy. The Hang Sen Index, which measures the health of the Hong Kong stock market and its largest companies, is down 46% since its Feb. 19, 2021, peak. It is threatening to dip below its 30-year support level. Zero-COVID has created downstream supply chain issues with widespread, long-lasting and unpredictable effects on the earnings of U.S. and European companies, from automakers to big-box retailers.

US-China relations have weakened for more than decade

But whether or not Xi rolls back his zero-COVID policy or not, the future of the trans-Pacific is troubled.

All signs point to escalating confrontation between the United States and China over Taiwan, but the seemingly cheery relationship between the two giants has been shifting — sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly — for years, dating back to the Obama administration.

Recall that one of the reasons given for former President Barack Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan was to enable the “pivot to Asia,” the continent that Obama identified as the future center of gravity of the global economy in terms of population and gross domestic product. These weren’t just words. Obama moved 2,500 Marines into northern Australia and designed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade agreement with smaller regional powers meant to isolate China.

Former President Donald Trump’s tariffs, which eventually escalated into a medium-sized trade war with China and a series of smaller skirmishes with Canada and the European Union, set off panicked behavior by U.S. importers that roiled the trans-Pacific. Companies accelerated the timelines on their purchase orders, “pulling forward” shipments that were originally scheduled to arrive after new tariffs took effect in order to avoid paying the duties. A logjam of volume increased rates, reduced schedule reliability, congested ports and filled warehouses, especially in Southern California.

In summer 2018, when the pull-forward effects were felt, the U.S. truckload market was still on fire, having been catalyzed by Hurricane Harvey the previous year and the ELD mandate’s tightening effect on capacity. The unpredictable volumes coming out of some of the country’s most important freight markets undoubtedly kept truckload rates higher for longer before the market ultimately began rolling over in October.

Expect more military activity

Although Trump sometimes styled his protectionist tariffs as merely the pragmatic bargaining chips of a consummate dealmaker looking out for the American people, his military moves revealed a deeper, strategic understanding of the trans-Pacific. His administration, for example, emphasized the U.S. Navy’s ability to secure vital trade routes. Navy patrols in heavily trafficked areas and freedom of navigation exercises increased, placing additional pressure on those operations to perform.

When the Navy looked sloppy, heads rolled. In summer 2017, the U.S. Seventh Fleet, a forward-deployed and based in Yokosuka, Japan, and centered on the USS Ronald Reagan’s carrier strike group, suffered two accidents. The Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Fitzgerald collided with a commercial vessel in July off the coast of Yokosuka. The next month, another Arleigh Burke, the USS John McCain, collided with a commercial vessel near the Strait of Malacca off Singapore. Between the two accidents, 17 American sailors were killed.

Trump’s chief of naval operations, Adm. John Richardson, responded by effectively purging the Seventh Fleet and the larger U.S. Pacific Fleet. The Navy fired or retired the destroyer commanders and executive officers, as well as commander of the Seventh Fleet, Adm. Joseph Aucoin. Then Richardson told Adm. Scott Swift, commander of the Pacific Fleet (of which the Seventh is a part), that he wouldn’t be considered for promotion to the Indo-Pacific Command, so Swift announced his retirement.

The point had been made: U.S. Navy leaders were personally responsible for keeping up with the heavier demands made on security operations in vital trans-Pacific trade lanes.

Beginning in the Obama administration and continuing through the Trump and Biden administrations, the United States has exhibited a growing awareness of the trans-Pacific as not only a trade conduit but also a theater for competition and perhaps conflict. Diplomatic, economic, technological and military steps have been taken that suggest the United States is exploring how it can maintain its interests in the Pacific region without China’s cooperation or consent. The most recent flare-ups are the kind of incidental accelerants that were bound to occur during this more gradual paradigm shift in U.S.-China relations.

Supply chain chaos to ensue

Apart from overt military encounters, I’ll be watching a few key themes going forward: increased volatility in supply chains, in terms of freight volumes; capacity availability and transportation rates; less visibility into China’s economic activity; and a more diverse, less China-centric trans-Pacific trade.

I expect the U.S.-China rivalry to express itself through gamesmanship in a number of spheres, including technology, international law, diplomacy, trade practices and military posture. The uncertainty and chaos of this changing trans-Pacific paradigm — from decades of decreasing friction and lower costs to a new trend of increasing friction and higher costs — will drive unpredictable and disruptive shipper behavior similar to that seen in 2018, 2020 and 2021. Stockouts will be followed by inventory gluts and vice versa, as importers pay too much to move their goods that are stored too long and arrive too late, compressing gross margins.

At the same time, outsider observers will likely see less of China’s real economic activity. Last year, China cut off foreign access to automatic identification system (AIS) data, preventing companies from seeing the real-time location of commercial vessels in Chinese waters. Official reports on economic activity coming out of Shanghai during the last COVID lockdown were anything but transparent, and much Western analysis relied on anecdotes and alternative data sources.

Leland Miller, the CEO of China Beige Book, a firm that tabulates independent Chinese economic data, said last week that the country was undergoing a “paradigm shift” in its governance and economic models that will complicate its further development, including the end of debt-fueled growth. It will be difficult to track this shift accurately, given the unreliability of official data.

Finally, if the U.S. and China decide to pursue a policy of mutual divestment, we should expect a more diverse, less China-centric trans-Pacific trade. There are other exciting economies in the region that the United States is connected to, including Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and Indonesia. Eastbound freight flows may have more widely distributed origins as China’s share diminishes. Ports like South Korea’s Busan, Malaysia’s Port Klang, Taiwan’s Kaohsiung and Japan’s Yokohama could become relatively more important.

The change in network structure could threaten the stability of the container-ship alliances that control capacity in the trans-Pacific and make the 20,000-plus twenty-foot equivalent unit mega-ships built to serve the largest ports harder to fill and less competitive. Capacity could structurally loosen on what are now the densest lanes, like Shanghai to Los Angeles, while slots could be harder to find on more obscure but growing lanes. The upshot here is that even a prudent trade strategy seeking to de-risk China by sourcing goods in other Asian countries will be exposed to knock-on effects from the challenges the U.S.-China trade is fated to face.

Importers and their transportation providers will need to build links between operations teams and strategic planners so that emerging trends in markets can be identified. Tariffs, embargoes and many other forms of economic warfare are potentially on the table.

For 20 years, the trans-Pacific was relatively easy, boring and cheap. Now it’s becoming exciting, difficult and expensive — and will probably stay that way for some time to come.


All the 12 rail unions must ratify any new agreement to avoid a potential work stoppage

Another rail union has rejected a tentative agreement with the major freight railroads, becoming the second labor group to turn down the deal brokered by the Biden administration and raising the chances of a nationwide strike.

The Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (BRS) announced Wednesday its members voted against ratifying their new contract by a 60.57% to 39.23% margin, with the highest participation rate in the union's history.

Freight trains travel through Houston on September 14, 2022 in Houston, Texas.  (Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images / Getty Images)

The BRS members join the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Division of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (BMWED) in turning down the proposed contracts providing workers rail workers a 24% wage increase during the five-year period from 2020 through 2024, increasing the possibility of a work stoppage.

The National Carriers' Conference Committee (NCCC), which represents major railroads like BNSF, CSX, Norfolk Southern and Union Pacific, said Wednesday it was disappointed with the BRS vote, but both sides agreed to keep negotiating until early December.

Ticker Security Last Change Change %
UNP UNION PACIFIC CORP. 212.55 -0.67 -0.31%
CSX CSX CORP. 32.07 +0.15 +0.47%
NSC NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP. 251.20 +0.20 +0.08%

Union rail workers opposed to the tentative agreement negotiated by President Biden's Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) are unhappy that the deal did not do more to address quality of life issues, particularly a lack of sick time and working on skeleton crews.

A worker rides a rail car at a BNSF rail crossing in Saginaw, Texas, Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2022.  (AP Photo/LM Otero / AP Newsroom)

Multiple union members told FOX Business they are frustrated that their union representatives signed off on the PEB's recommendations, arguing the agreement did not do enough to improve working conditions.

All twelve unions involved in the negotiations must agree to ratify their new contracts or a strike could occur that would devastate supply chains and the economy at large. At present, the soonest a strike might happen is mid-November. If a work stoppage is triggered, Congress is expected to get involved.

So far, six unions have voted to ratify their contracts, and now two have voted against. The remaining four unions are set to vote next month.

The United States has less than one month’s supply of diesel fuel, according to data from the Energy Information Administration.

Even as the nation has a mere 25 days of inventory, marking the lowest levels since 2008, the four-week average of distillates supplied, a proxy for demand, rose to its highest seasonal level since 2007, according to an analysis from Bloomberg.

The low supply and high demand comes as Americans, many of whom are concerned about the state of the economy, prepare to cast their ballots in the upcoming midterm elections. National Economic Council Director Brian Deese acknowledged to Bloomberg that inventories are “unacceptably low” and affirmed that “all options are on the table” for the White House to address the problem.

The depleted supplies occur because of maintenance season at many refineries and pressures from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. However, two ships carrying 1 million barrels of diesel are slated to arrive in New York, while a Pennsylvania refinery belonging to Delta Air Lines is returning from seasonal maintenance.

Inventories in the northeastern United States, where more residents burn fuel for heating than any other part of the country, are at less than one-third of usual seasonal levels. The diesel shortage comes after the Energy Information Administration said last week that the average household primarily using natural gas for space heating will likely spend $931 on power from October to March, marking a $206 increase since last year.

With a greater energy density than other liquid fuels, diesel enables the majority of shipping activity in the United States via semitruck and train, as well as large shares of military and farming activity. The national average cost of diesel fuel is presently $5.33 per gallon, according to data from AAA.

In response to soaring energy prices, which have contributed to overall inflationary pressures, President Joe Biden announced in March that his administration would release 180 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, a stock of emergency crude oil intended to manage supply disruptions in energy markets. Transactions for the final 15 million barrels will clear by the end of December.

“Global crude oil supply flows remain a challenge, due in large part to the ongoing instability caused by Russia’s actions in Ukraine,” the White House said in a statement. “The President is prepared to authorize significant additional sales in coming months if conditions require.”

Biden has also presided over a decrease in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve from 638 million barrels to 405 million barrels, marking the lowest level in decades, according to data from the Energy Information Administration. Though the release is primarily meant to cut domestic energy prices, at least 5 million barrels have found their way to nations such as India, the Netherlands, and Italy, as well as a Chinese petroleum company with links to Hunter Biden.

Roughly 84% of Americans consider the economy to be a primary factor on their minds as they cast ballots in the midterm elections, according to a recent poll from ABC News and The Washington Post. The Republicans lead the Democrats by a 16% margin and a 19% margin with respect to trust on handling the economy and inflation, respectively.

Biden has emphasized green energy throughout his tenure while leasing less federal land for oil and gas drilling than any administration since the end of World War II. Soon after his inauguration, Biden also discontinued Keystone XL pipeline project expansions.


Elected officials approved Friday an agreement with Mexico over how to collect and share the revenue from new $1.47 billion port of entry

Officials from across the San Diego-Baja California region on Friday celebrated a painstakingly negotiated binational agreement for collecting tolls at the envisioned new Otay Mesa border crossing.

The deal — unanimously approved by the San Diego Association of Governments board of directors — calls for one tolling facility located north of the border. The revenue would be split evenly with Mexico, pulling in an estimated $3.4 billion for each country over the next four decades.

“The financial strategy that’s being presented here is the result of months of nonstop meetings and bilateral negotiations between the U.S. and Mexico,” Carlos González Gutiérrez, consul general of Mexico in San Diego, said at SANDAG’s board meeting on Friday. “This is U.S. and Mexico cooperation at its finest.”

The roughly $1.47 billion project is aimed at dramatically reducing wait times as well as emission-spewing idling at the two current ports of entry in Otay Mesa and San Ysidro.

The new facility, dubbed Otay Mesa East, is expected to open in 2024, providing 10 lanes in both directions serving passenger and commercial traffic, according to SANDAG. Average crossing times at the new facility are projected to be from five to 25 minutes for passenger vehicles and 15 to 45 minutes for freight traffic.

Toll pricing would fluctuate with traffic to discourage gridlock. Signs would alert approaching drivers to crossing fees as well as wait times.

County Supervisor Nora Vargas said at Friday’s meeting that she remembered waiting for long stretches as a child to cross the border in San Diego.

“This is a historic moment for all of us who call this region home because what we want is to make sure that everybody in this community has access not only to economic opportunities but clean air and a good quality of life,” she said.

The project reached a milestone this summer with the completion of the connecting highway network, which included work on state routes 125, 905 and 11.

The border facility broke ground in August and a month later secured a crucial $150 million in federal funding.

However, the new port of entry is not yet fully funded. While SANDAG has secured $719 million for the project, the agency is still looking for another $418 million, largely through loans and grants.

Likewise, Mexico has ponied up $315 million but still needs to find another $20 million to complete the deal.

Congress also needs to approve additional funding for Customs and Border Protection staffing to operate Otay Mesa East, according to officials.

“This is certainly not mission accomplished,” said San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria at the public meeting Friday. “There are many more steps to go. Mainly I’m focused on that our federal partners provide the staffing to make sure this port of entry can work.”

Many companies such as Samsung, Nike and Amazon operate factories in Tijuana that ship goods over the border. It’s estimated that reducing lengthy wait times could increase economic output in both countries by up to roughly $3.4 billion a year and create tens of thousands of jobs.

Otay Mesa East’s 120-acre site is larger than the combined footprint of the existing border crossing facilities in San Ysidro and Otay Mesa. Officials said that new lanes could be added in the future to accommodate more growth.

“We’re planning for the future,” said Mario Orso, chief deputy district director-capital of Caltrans District 11. “There are no other places to grow our border infrastructure in the future in San Diego County, so this is our last shot.”


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